Ntgrate abicon studiobenoit inofecbelgie studiocamade 28

ABICON Engineering


architect:Studio Benoit

New headquarters for buidling specialists

Abicon is a multidisciplinary structural engineering firm with extensive experience and strong knowledge.
Their new offices in Tielt were fitted with our high-end acoustic woven vinyl flooring.

When a team of building engineers chooses your flooring for their new offices, you know you are doing something right! Our high-end woven vinyl flooring offered the perfect match of acoustic values, cleanability and design to be incorporated into the new offices. Besides daylight, our flooring also reflects the Abicon values of sustainability and innovation.

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Sustainability in mind

Abicon nv, in partnership with Sonar Architects, Studio Benoit (an interior designer), and Vaneenoo (a structural contractor from Wingene), envisioned the creation of Kantoor aan het Spoor—a workplace in Tielt designed to foster collaboration with other companies. Together, this collaborative team undertook the construction of a fully glazed office building. The emphasis was on providing a pleasant environment that prioritizes sustainability and optimal acoustics.

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Optimal acoustics

Drawing upon considerations of acoustics, efficiency, and functionality, the partners collaboratively devised an optimal layout and selected materials. This design enables colleagues to work together seamlessly without causing disruptions. It is a workplace that fosters a positive atmosphere, inviting both productivity and relaxation.

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Designed in Belgium

The combination of our Wild Milo, with its intricate patterns and our Shy ntgrate (named Shy ntgrate because this flooring was created for our own new headquarters in Kortrijk (BE) creates a stunning visual effect while offering great acoustic values. This was important for ABICON because although teamwork is necessary and encouraged, the engineers and other staff members and colleagues also need to be able to focus on the task at hand.


let’s design an acoustical and sustainable future together.

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