We don't really like noise
Loud noises scare us. It is a reflex from old times when sound really symbolised danger. But even now in modern times noise is not something we enjoy. Loud noises combined with bad acoustics has many negative outcomes. So what are the benefits of our ntgrate acoustic solutions?

Higher productivity and better concentration
Difficulties to concentrate? To focus on one task? Did you know that office workers in a room with good acoustics experience a better focus and that they even make 10% fewer mistakes (Sykes, D M., 2004).
Perfect for offices
Less stress
Noise creates stress. At home, in a hotel, in your offices, in shops, showrooms, ... In offices prolonged exposure to noise can raise stress levels so high that people are more likely to fall ill. Whilst a quiet room, with good acoustics and good reverberation creates peace and tranquility. Allowing your employees, guests, visitors, ... to focus on the task at hand, whether it be work or pleasure.

Feel energized
Noise drains energy. You not only have to speak louder but have to focus harder to understand what other people are saying. This is why our acoustics solutions are popular in classrooms, meeting rooms, offices, ... They help visitors, clients enjoy their visit or workplace without draining them from their much needed energy.